Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is Oldboy the NYFF secret screening?

So I was checking IMDb, like I usually do. I was wondering if Paolo Sorrentino's The Great Beauty was released in the UK or not, and I noticed that Spike Lee's Oldboy was having a sneak screening in London. Since Oldboy is already ready for screenings, does that mean it will be the secret movie at the New York Film Festival? Possibly, especially since The Wolf of Wall Street is still being edited and American Hustle is a big unknown. We will see sometime next week.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Fox and the Wolf are out of the race!

OK, so this headline may be a slight bit misleading. However, via Variety, Bennett Miller's Foxcatcher has been pushed into 2014, 'to allow for more time to finish the film'. I expect a spring 2014 release date.

Speaking of finishing films, Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street is no longer listed for a November release date. The film's workprint cut is allegedly 180 minutes long  and warranting an NC-17 rating, so cuts are necessary. Expect a Christmas release date or a 2014 one.

So my #1 and #2 anticipated films of the year require more waiting, so now what do I wait for? The Counselor? 12 Years a Slave?

Foxcatcher Trailer!

Wow. Can't wait. Worried a little on how Steve Carell's performance will be received.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First poster and trailer for Alexander Payne's Nebraska.

I have to admit, I am really digging the advertising for Payne's latest. I do love me some nostalgia.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Grace of Monaco trailer.

I bet this is what many people are thinking: Nicole Kidman cannot pull off Grace Kelly. In Kidman's defense, no one will ever pull off a 'Grace Kelly'. Somewhat decent trailer is below.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Spectacular Now (2013)- Movie Review by Sean Wu

James Ponsoldt's The Spectacular Now (Emphasis on the spectacular part,) is one of the year's best movies, easily.  Right now, I would say that it is nothing short of spectacular.

The film follows the senior year of hard partyer/alcoholic high school student Sutter Keely. I can't even begin to describe Sutter Keely without even mentioning Miles Teller's astonishing work in this. This is his first serious movie outside of 21 and Over, and this definitely won't be his last. He, with co-star Shailene Woodley (more on her later) together exercise a strong chemistry and a loving type of humanity only seen outside of the movies.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Latest poster for Abdellatif Kechiche's Blue is the Warmest Color.

I'm sorry, this looks like a kids movie now. Silly French people.

The Grandmaster (2013)- It's both grand and masterful (3½ Stars)

Wong Kar-Wai is a visual filmmaker. You don't say "I want to see this movie!" because of its story, you say it because you want to see Wai's visual style. First and foremost, this film looks EXCELLENT. The environments in the film look stellar. The martial arts in the film is choreographed well too. Thank heavens the film has such a good cinematographer (Philippe Le Sourd) behind the lens, because it would be a real shame to see the film's stunts in quick cuts.